Apartment Building in Copenhagen, Mix of Facing Bricks W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint
© Wienerberger A/S

From industrial area to high-end housing

architectum edition #26

Apartment Building in Copenhagen, Mix of Facing Bricks W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint
© Wienerberger A/S

High-end buildings

in Denmark

Apartment Building in Copenhagen, Mix of Facing Bricks W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint
© Wienerberger A/S

Used products

Facing bricks – W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint

From industrial area to high-end housing in Copenhagen

A former industrial area in central Copenhagen has been transformed into a recreational, residential area with high-end buildings by the harbour front. The sustainable apartment building Skibbroen is one of the main characters in this new neighbourhood with its beautiful façades of water struck bricks masoned in a mix designed by the architect specifically to Skibbroen.

Skibbroen residential housing

Skibbroen residential housing by the Copenhagen harbour front is designed by Holscher Architecs who have also prepared the town plan for the area, where both business and housing are developed.
The main idea has been to form a star-shaped, central space between the angled buildings. The heart of the neighbourhood is a large garden established between the residential buildings and the office buildings, which has a slightly more private and intimate character, while the promenade towards the quay is a more public space.
This central garden is a lush and tranquil space that creates a green reference point in this busy urban environment.

Building corners and façades

The way in which the V-shaped buildings are angled causes many different apartment types to arise around corners and the obliquely cut gables.
The buildings open up as much as possible to the water, and all apartments have at least one balcony located primarily on the harbour side to provide the residents with sun and sea view.
The angled sides of the balconies emphasize the horizontal dimension of the façade, while the variation in the positioning of windows and balconies ensures a lively and approachable appearance.
The façades of Skibbroen are masonry of water struck bricks W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint from the Danish brick plant Petersminde, and masoned in a mix designed by the architect specifically to Skibbroen.

Harbour environment

The uniqueness of the canal and harbour space has been wisely maintained and the houseboats help create a living harbour environment. Skibbroen influences the everyday life for both the residents and other users of the harbour such as the rowing club.
The special life that characterises Skibbroen occurs due to users’ various activities and the mix of tranquillity, activity, transit and practical doings.

Sustainable building

The building complies with Energy Class 2015, but the ventilation systems also comply with the requirements for energy consumption in energy class 2020.

Apartment Building in Copenhagen, Mix of Facing Bricks W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint
© Wienerberger A/S

Facts & Figures

Project name: Skibbroen, Havneholmen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Architects   Holscher Nordberg Architecture and Planning A/S

Client   Skanska

Year of completion   2016

Products used   Facing bricks – W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint

Building type  Apartment Building

Published in  architectum #26

Apartment Building in Copenhagen, Mix of Facing Bricks W 450 Jern and W 447 Flint
© Wienerberger A/S

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